Journaling has improved my writing skills
I have been journaling on and off for a few months now. When I started, I wrote about my stuttering and the challenges I would face every day. I tried to document everything I would face during my social interaction with others. Things about the situation I was in, my emotions, my behavior, my uncontrolled twitching and all the other weird ways I have come to combat and cope with stuttering.
This not only improved my relationship with myself and got to know myself better, but it also improved my writing skills. I feel much more at ease and can express almost any feeling or idea. It did take time to get comfortable expressing myself, to myself. But doing it every day, or every other day, has been the most helpful.
When I started I used to vomit out anything I come up with. It did help me to know myself better, but it didn’t improve my writing. A couple of weeks back, I started to write more eloquent, I try to be more expressive, and use more fancy words and sentences to express my ideas. With this one simple change, I feel like I have improved the way I write.