Goals for April 2024 (Dark Mode V1.1)

March 31, 2024
1 minutes

This dark mode is going to be the same as the previous one with only one small change. For expressiveness, I will be streaming on Twitch. This will allow me to work on my project as well as express my thoughts and feelings while building audience at the same time.

Dark Mode v1.1 Objectives

The objectives of this dark mode are the following.


GOAL: Complete the first version of Notebook BYC along with BackYardCode’s marketing site.

The first version of Notebook BYC will have the following features;

For BackYardCode’s marketing site, it will have;


HABIT: Get to 90kg by water fasting.

Current Weight: 107kg

Target Weight: 95kg


HABIT: Meditate everyday for 10 minutes.


HABIT: Stream on Twitch for at least 10 minutes.