Reflecting on March 2024

March 30, 2024
3 minutes

On March 10, 2024, I set some goals for myself for this month. I wanted to achieve one goal and instill 3 habits. And I failed horribly. At first, I thought I should just delete that post and pretend that nothing happened but I will be lying to myself if I did that.

I had this same sort of episode before where I set goals for myself and I ended up abandoning them.

Not this time.

This time I want to stare back into my failures and learn something from it (damn its painful).

One protocol of this challenge was to not use social media and I did broke that protocol. Repeatedly. Staring into the abyss was painful. The boredom was real. I just couldn’t help myself but get to talk to people on Discord, Whatsapp and watch streams on Twitch and videos on YouTube.

This time I truly felt like I am a slave to these things. As ThePrimeagen once said on his stream

Liberty is not “being able to do whatever you want”. Liberty is the ability to exercise your will.

And I failed to exercise mine.

Once thing I learned is that no matter what, don’t use social media. That includes YouTube as well.

One of my biggest hooks is YouTube. The amount of time I waste on YouTube is unfathomable. I rather spend that time doing something productive and useful. May be write articles, read books, work on projects etc. My other time sink was Twitch. Recently a Ruby on Rails YouTuber started streaming on Twitch and I used to hang there quite a lot. I learned a lot about Ruby on Rails and how he approaches his projects, but I should have been working on mine.

Nonetheless, he inspired me to start streaming on my own. So I created my own channel and hopefully will be streaming while working on my goals for April 2024.

I am planning on making a comeback and try to complete this 30 days challenge. It is probably not that hard if you remove all the distractions.

For this upcoming Dark Mode, I am planning to have a long list of features to implement for NotebookBYC. This will push me to work harder and smarter.

In my next blog post, I will share my plan for the next Dark Mode. But for now, let me get gather my thoughts about this Dark Mode.


My Mistakes

How I am going to solve them