Goals for March 2024 (Dark Mode V1)

March 11, 2024
2 minutes

After beating around the bush for so long, I think it is time for me to focus on achieving my goals. Goals that I had back in 2022. This is so sad that it took me almost 2 years to get to work on these goals. How can I expect to change my life when I don’t even work for it.

The methodology or framework I will be using to achieve my goals is called Dark Mode. It is created by a YouTuber and businessman Nelson Quest, who I look up to. His insights into personal growth are profoundly insightful and unparalleled.

In Dark Mode, you select one goal in one of the 4 dimensions of life (occupational, physical, mental, expressive) and for the rest of the 3, you choose a habit.

When working on these goals and habits, you go completely dark, such that you don’t communicate with society. You disable your social media accounts or delete the apps. You don’t do anything else expect working towards your goals. No social media apps, no YouTube, no Netflix, no books (except those that help you achieve this goal), no hangouts etc.

For this dark mode, the goal and habits I have selected are,


Goal: Learn desiging from DesignCourse.com and complete the first version of Notebook BYC.

The first version of Notebook BYC will have the following features;


Habit: Avoid sugar, carbs and fried food.

Fun Fact: I am 107 kgs right now (I was 125 kgs in January 2024 💀).


Habit: Meditate everyday for 10 minutes.


Habit: Write articles for 10 minutes.