On Minimalism and Launching Fast

/ 2 minutes

I didn’t understood the value of minimalism and launching fast until I wanted to launch my blog.

For quite sometime, I wanted to be a better writer. I had a blog on fly.io, which would crash almost every couple of week. (It was running ghost on free plan)

I wanted to move to Astro and do my own thing. Looking for inspiration, I stumbled on lots of different personal blogs like Marco Roth and Avi Flombaum. I started designing my personal website but always lost the motivation to complete it.

Until I stumbled on Shayan’s blog that I truly understood the value of minimalism and launching fast. In one of this blog post, he write about why his blog looks the way it looks. I only fully understood the lesson after I attempted it on my own.

I quickly opened Lunacy and got to work. With in a hour, I created a simple design based on Shayan’s blog. And then in 2 hours, I created this website and launch it on the web. Here is the website you are on right now.

I got a sense of achievement when I launched. Since it is materialized now, I can see what areas need improvement and what need to be cut off. And since it is already there, changing it won’t be much of a hassle.

If I didn’t launched on that day, I won’t be here improving this blog right now. Possibly I would have forgotten about it long ago.

First Do It, Then Do It Right, Then Do It Better - The Stoic Mind